Saturday, October 31, 2009


i had written in an earlier blog about kiran baiga who was anaemic and hypertensive and was awaiting her first baby. she had it during the rains, when she could not cross the rivers in the forest to reach the hospital. it was a low birth weight baby boy, who died of pneumonia when he was five days old. kiran is better, but i could not meet her yesterday when i went to her village - she had gone to collect firewood.

the boy in the tuesday clinic who we thought had a brain tumour turned out to have a degenerative brain disease. he will worsen progressively and not survive very long. there is not much that can be done for him.

the NREGS wages, i am sorry to say, have still not been paid. the villagers now have to open post office accounts into which the payment cheques will be deposited. apparently this is to circumvent the corruption in direct cash payment of the wages. but many of the men have already migrated so are not available to open their accounts. meanwhile people here continue to eat more poorly than before.

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